Haematology & Transfusion

The Department of Haematology is accredited with the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) in accordance with International Standard ISO 15189: 2012. Accreditation is limited to those activities described on our UKAS schedule of accreditation found on the UKAS website, www.ukas.com Ref: 9677.


Haematology, coagulation and transfusion laboratories are situated on level 6 at RSCH and 1st floor PRH.

To look for sample requirements and reference ranges for a particular test use the A to Z index or search function.


Laboratory information

Opening hours

On-call service

Contact numbers


Requests and results

Specimens and requests

Consent to testing

Urgent requests

Tests available

Adding requests to samples already in the laboratory

Reporting of results


Transfusion laboratory

Tests available

On-call service



Blood and Blood Products

Crossmatched blood

Traceability slips

Blood storage

Fresh frozen plasma



Human albumin solution

Anti-D immunoglobulin

Factor concentrates

Administration rates for blood, blood products, PCC and factor concentrates.