Pathology IT


WinPath, the laboratory computer system, went live in the Biochemistry, Immunology and Haematology Departments at the RSCH and PRH sites in 2005. Microbiology, Virology, Cytology, Histology and Blood Transfusion followed in 2006. During 2014 WinPath Ward Enquiry was entirely replaced by ICE Desktop, a web-based system that was provided for use by Primary Care in 2009. This change attempts to provide a common view of patient pathology data across all care environments that use the UHSPE Pathology service.

All results are made available on ICE Desktop, electronically connected clinical systems and GP systems as soon as they are available. There is no need to telephone the laboratory for these.

Access to ICE Desktop

Instructions for existing users of WinPath Ward Enquiry requiring an ICE account:

From 30th June 2014, existing users of WinPath Ward Enquiry can get access details for their replacement ICE Desktop account by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please ensure that you include in the email:

  • your current WinPath Ward enquiry username
  • your full name
  • The organisation that you work for.

Note: The email must be sent using your trust email account or NHS mail account.

Instructions for new users of ICE

New users will need to complete an individual application for access using the appropriate form below. Different instructions apply to BSUH and non-BSUH staff, so please select the correct form to download. Open the form in Microsoft Word, complete the details (including the authorisation section to be completed by your line manager)  and return by email to the address stated at the end of the application form.

Applications will normally be processed within 5 working days and the applicant will be emailed their username and password.

Download ICE access request form (BSUH users)

ICE Desktop application form for BSUH staff.

(version 3, last reviewed July 2020)

Download ICE access request form (non-BSUH users)

ICE Desktop application form for users from other trusts.

(version 4, last reviewed July 2020)


Ice Desktop userguide

For information on how to get started with ICE please download the instructions below.

Download ICE Reporting guide (BSUH staff)

ICE Desktop userguide for BSUH staff.

(version 2, last reviewed March 2019)

Download ICE Reporting guide (Community staff)

ICE Desktop userguide for non-BSUH/ Community staff.

(version 2, last reviewed March 2019)


ICE Password reset, queries and general ICE support

For forgotten passwords or general enquiries regarding ICE Desktop please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Support is available in office hours Monday to Friday and we aim to respond to your enquiry within one working day.

Paperless reporting 

The concept of turning off paper reporting for pathology has been supported by the Clinical Management Board and Health Records Committee. Before this can be done wards and departments must confirm they have a robust method for ensuring results are looked at via alternative means. Please contact Pathology IT for further information.