
Opening hours

0900 to 1600h Monday to Friday

Contact numbers

RSCH mortuary

01273 664420

PRH mortuary

01444 441881 ext. 68449


Anatomical Pathology Technologist & Mortuary Assistants are contacted out of hours via the relevant switchboard.

Notification of deaths and Post Mortem requests


All hospital/consented requested post mortem examination forms must be completed by a trained person, this training must be to HTA (Human Tissue Authority) standard. This would best be confirmed by contacting Histology before the forms are completed to ensure the correct information is recorded on the post mortem request forms. 

Forms, case notes and any addition requests or information would have to be available to Histology at least 48 hours before the date of the examination.  


Requests for viewing of deceased patients should be directed to the mortuary within office hours. In exceptional circumstances out of hours viewing requests will be accommodation on a case by case basis.